on occasion I am unable to add polishes to the database. It tells me there is already that polish listed, but I am unable to find it. It seems to be when names are similar, but not the same. Any suggestions?
Can you give me an example or two of which polishes you tried adding and I will look further into this issue.
Just to let you know, I am in the process of moving which is why I was slower to respond to this, but thank you for bringing this to my attention. :)
Feb 6 2017, 9:34 pmNo worries, I know what a pain moving can be! :)
Zoya is the first real issue I have had with this.
I have a few examples
When I try to add Alma, it tells me there is a duplicate. When I search, Salma comes up
When I try to add Liv, it tells me there is a duplicate. When I search, Livingston, Olivera, and Olivia come up
When I try to add Sia, it tells me there is a duplicate. When I search, Anastasia and Asia come up
There are several others that I cannot add for similar reasons
Hey fizzybrat! Sorry for taking so long to follow back up with you. (Finally moved in!)
This problem with adding polishes should be fixed now, but please let me know if you still have issues.